Our Mission and Core Values

Mission Statement
Transformed by the crucified and risen Jesus, we are a loving community of disciples making disciples.
Vision Statement
Called by the Holy Spirit, we are a fully-devoted fellowship of believers, called to GROW AS DISCIPLES and sent to MAKE DISCIPLES, who are engaged in spiritual growth by:
- Praying daily.
- Reading the Bible daily.
- Worshiping weekly.
- Connecting regularly in small groups.
- Giving generously.
- Serving others.
- Witnessing at every opportunity.
Core Values
- Jesus Christ is Lord.
- We seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit first.
- God’s Word, recorded in the Bible, guides and directs our faith and life.
- Worship is central to our life together as the church.
- We are members, one of another, called to invite others to Jesus.
- God richly provides all we need. We reflect this generosity in our management of God’s resources.
- We serve all people, following the way of Jesus.