Our Mission and Core Values


Mission Statement

Transformed by the crucified and risen Jesus, we are a loving community of disciples making disciples.

Vision Statement

Called by the Holy Spirit, we are a fully-devoted fellowship of believers, called to GROW AS DISCIPLES and sent to MAKE DISCIPLES, who are engaged in spiritual growth by:

  1. Praying daily.
  2. Reading the Bible daily.
  3. Worshiping weekly.
  4. Connecting regularly in small groups.
  5. Giving generously.
  6. Serving others.
  7. Witnessing at every opportunity.

Core Values

  1. Jesus Christ is Lord.
  2. We seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit first.
  3. God’s Word, recorded in the Bible, guides and directs our faith and life.
  4. Worship is central to our life together as the church.
  5. We are members, one of another, called to invite others to Jesus.
  6. God richly provides all we need. We reflect this generosity in our management of God’s resources.
  7. We serve all people, following the way of Jesus.